Fix Brighter Tomorrow Map compiling errors

@samp64 This task is the notification one. What we have now is that users can post something onto the map and doing so automatically creates forums for them in Discourse which others can use to communicate with them based around what they’ve posted. The issue is that the creator of that post and threads isn’t subscribed to be watching them, so they won’t see when others message them.

The code @syl linked autosubscribes them and it would be amazing if you are able to add it into the master_withoutDCS branch. Syl prefers not to get his hands into React code, but is a fabulous resource and always available and enthusiastic to answer questions.

I’ll pull your email from the forum and add you into out Github. It’s great to have you here. There are plenty of other tasks you can help with to improve the project and so its better at helping societies most vulnerable. That one is the most urgent front end task as it breaks usability

I’m not available on whatsapp anymore. I’ve lost my phone

We should work out a expected completion date that i can give to the marketing and social media team so they cna plan their campaign to get this out.

@zofrex can you suggest an eta for the backend redeploy?
@samp64 have you got your head around what needs done with the notifications system, and how long it’ll take.
@bob with everything being identical to the app you made for phm besides the url, can you suggest an eta on an android app?

Sorry for lack of comms - v. busy the last few days, some unexpected things came up. I’ll have time tomorrow, I’ll set up the staging server and that should give us an idea of where we stand.


It might take a couple days but not longer than a week.


Hi guys, Andy asked me to chime in here with my 2cents, so here goes:

I’d say that using branches to deploy is a great way to do it, and it also allows you to have the exact version of the code for that environment static until you next merge from master, all the while allowing changes to master in the meantime. So for instance at my current job we use a deploy/dev, deploy/qa and a deploy/prod branch for most of our projects - merging to those branches triggers a deployment, and then they remain static until another release is ready to move up to that environment. If we then have an infrastructure failure, we know that we have a good version of the code that can be built and deployed (we’d have the pre-built release too, but having the code intact also allows hotfixing on the deploy branch which can then merged back to master).

For discourse - I don’t know if you guys do docker or kubernetes but it may be an even lower touch alternative to using Ansible? Let me know if you need help in that area, I’ve done a bit of kubernetes stuff.

Anything else I can help with shout out :slight_smile:


I wasn’t previously familiar with Discourse and having taken a look at it now, it pretty much sets up itself so Ansible is probably overkill. Possibly still worth pursuing Ansible for setting up local dev environments, though.

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@syl we’ve got BTM most of the way there. there is an error message relating to this file:

which is shared between the sites. can you see why it’s causing an issue on

ok, i’ve got some clues. i changed Docuss to look for relating to an error @zofrex is working on and received a different error message.

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.


So maybe the issue is with our SSL cert, or with cloudflare.

@AndyatFocallocal, brightertomorrowmap doesn’t work because your json file is unreachable.

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all fixed and running beautifully @syl. thanks to a fantastic effort by @zofrex, and support from @tmcnulty

Here it is:

@bob How’s the app looking?


I’ve got the new BTM working on the app but I need the logos and icons you want to use for BTM.
So BTM is a separate Discourse server from PHM and so you need to create a separate account right?

Also is @tmcnulty still the sys admin of BTM? Because a Discourse plugin needs to be installed again to get notifications working on BTM. I’ll send the info to whoever can access the server.

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@tmcnulty he’s got a lot on his plate right now. @zofrex could you add another Discourse plugin so we can get an app running for this? @bob Can you post the Github link to the plugin here, and it would be really cool if you’d also put that into its own post tagged with ‘documentation’ ‘apps’ ‘web-dev’ and anything else you think is relevant.

That will be super useful in the future if you’re busy or not around and someone wants to work on a task related to this.

Here’s the logo Bob:

Its also being used for helping the vulnerable, but i’ll create a pop up intro to explain its normal use and the additional current usage to users

Yeah I can add it, what’s the plugin?

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I’ll be honest, that logo isn’t going to fit as an icon and it would look sort of strange as a logo for a splash screen. Do you have a smaller logo or one with a graphic? I thought there was one with a map or maybe that was something else.

Another thing, is the Discourse logo at the top left of BTM going to be changed soon?

I made a simple logo for BTM, let me know what you think.


yeah, that looks good @bob.

I was prioritising just getting it out so it can help people as right now is when it’s needed, that is usually used as a full page graphic. Lets go with your logo, and if you send me a smaller version i’ll add it as a favicon in Discourse.

Here’s some small versions in a zip file. I used a converter to generate it so hope it works fine.

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nice. i’ll add them tomorrow :slight_smile:

@zofrex i’ve found a dev to do the final edits to the map/react part of the site. Without the testing server most devs have dropped out after wasting hours trying to set up discourse and get our app running inside it on their localhost. It seems to be just too complex, so i’ve suggested they code on the fly as we are hoping to get this out in a day or two. It occurs to me that their changes won’t go live if Travis isn’t running, so we’ll need to find another solution together so they can see if their changes are working or not. Did you get any success on it today?

@bob is it possible to also get these sizes:


The logo image at the top left of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the site title text will be shown.

logo small

The small logo image at the top left of your site, seen when scrolling down. Use a square 120 × 120 image. If left blank, a home glyph will be shown.

mobile logo

The logo used on mobile version of your site. Use a wide rectangular image with a height of 120 and an aspect ratio greater than 3:1. If left blank, the image from the logo setting will be used.