Inspire My Neighbourhod

Societal Issues Targeted

  • Community Happiness and Well-being, with reminders to be kind to each other and to ourselves.
  • Inspiring others to be the person they want to be. Words resonate with the people who need to hear them the most, so taking a little time to chalk inspiring quotes on the streets can completely change the choices someone makes in their day, or even life.

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind, always!”

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Take to the streets, armed with colourful chalks to fill the lives of people in your neighbourhood with kind, positive, and encouraging words, inspiring everyone to face life’s challenges with a little extra energy and kindness.

A few well-chosen words can give us the courage to keep on going through hard times or remember that happiness/kindness is a choice I possess. The right words at the right time can inspire someone to make an important change in life or rethink a choice they were about to make that would cause pain and regret.

When the right words find someone who is looking for them, they have the power to make a real positive change to that person’s direction in life.

Simple Guide

  • Get some colourful chalks
  • Create an activity in our activities system, pick a meeting point (like a cafe or park), and send people nearby an invite if you’d like others to join you.
  • Prepare a list of Inspiring Quotes. Here’s some examples
  • Cover the streets in words to inspire, encourage, and brighten the day of others where you live

With Inspire My Neighbourhood, you can do something fun and sweet for others near you with just a few hours and a few sticks of chalk. Why would you not want to wake up tomorrow and look in the mirror knowing that yesterday you inspired, motivated, and supported hundreds, or even thousands of people? Anyone can be a hero by spreading kindness in their community.


  • Set up one of these up as a covert operation in the middle of the night or early morning so your messages greet people on the way to work.

Legal Issues

Police aren’t likely to care about this unless you’re chalking on someone’s private property.

The worst you’re likely to encounter is being asked to clean it up by someone taking their authority way too seriously. For this reason, I suggest carrying a bottle of water as chalk washes off with a simple squirt. If they bothered anyone for writing happy things in chalk on the streets, then they’d have to start arresting thousands of 6-year-olds all over the city too, which I have had to explain a few times, and that’s the worst I’ve had to deal with.
