Getting Started: Setting Up a Local Dev Environment - and related bug fixes

Thank you Andy! even though I used Ubuntu for like an hour I find mint faster and much more comfortable to use. Installing everything now (nvm, node, npm) I’ll work on setting up the development environment here.
Be back to update soon :hugs:


Good luck :slight_smile:

Some of the same issues I’ve stumbled upon on Windows & LInux:

Error Description:
Meteor error something with “cant install, no package.json”

“Remove” your package-lock.json, I simply renamed it and it generated a new one.


Error Description:
“Error certificate has expired” on runninig meteor npm install

Set in the OS Environment Vars - NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0
For Windows do it manually, for Linux “export NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 && meteor command here” will do the work.


Error Description:
Babel runtime error not finding a specific folder.

npm install @babel/runtime@7.0.0-beta.47
(current of the project is 7.0.0-beta.42)

Now when I change on settings.json the mapType to “btm” I get some rendering errors:

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Thanks for posting the errors and fixes, that’s very helpful for others in the future.

BTM branch is currently behind as its not compiling correctly. It’s a task in the Sprint list for @SysAdmin. That’s likely to be why you see errors.

Our current live branch which is working is deploy-phm which is where we are building and trying out updates.

The longer term plan is to have master as a staging server and all updates pulled down to the live platforms once a month, but for now we can carry on building on deploy-phm

Have you found the solution to make “mapType”: “btm” work? I tried to switch branches (master, deploy-phm, deploy-btm) but it still gives me the same errors as in your screenshot.

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@Dreamcore I think the solution is that the ‘mapType’ should be gatherings and the branch deploy-phm. If you search for ‘mapType’ in this forum you can see a little more context to the settings.

This isn’t always the correct way to set up but right now brightertomorrowmap isn’t compiling and that needs to be fixed, and master branch isn’t operational with our staging/testing server. Once those two tasks are complete the setup would be that we should code on the Master branch and the mapType would be gatherings.

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