User Stories

It’s cool. I know what I said was what y’all were already saying, I just wanted to regurgitate it in a story type of way. I guess to circle the conversation back to the home page, what sort of experience can we give Eric and Madeline to entice them to use the product and ultimately signup. As we go along, we can think about what features to disable or hide from the public but show to members.

@NJUX can we get a short or top-level user flow for some use cases from Eric and Madeline? I don’t think we need lots of detail yet. Just a starting point. “How does Eric and Madeline start looking for what they need from the home page if they started there”? I’ll show how this goes into play in a bit.

@danyalamriben can you prioritize what features to display on this page and help me by directing me on where to start with setting goals for wire-frames and mock-ups?

I.E. If Eric stumbled upon FocalLocal from google search results, he would land on the home page. He learns what organization he is looking at and how our goals align with his; Gathering the community for some togetherness. How can he start using the product? Would he start a search for events around him to help his mission? How would he go about that? Or would he try to organize something right away? How can we support him doing this?

@danyalamriben What features would be prioritized here? What would he need to know about the organization to learn our goals and his align? Also, How can we communicate that in a way that encourages him to signup? We can put a wall of text explaining stuff with a z-pattern layout,or we can maybe add some small modules that allow him to explore the product from the home-page. A long the way we can think about what features to restrict to the public vs member.

Everyone is welcome to chime in here. I was just trying to offer direction.

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