we have had a lot of voices and a lot of effort in the build so far, and unfortunately i’m the only one who has remained active all this time, which leaves me representing a lot of previous discussions and hard work from other users at this point in the build, before we decentralise further.
A lot of people’s work would be undone if there is a hard switch. something i don’t think is a good idea at this point. if it happens after we decentralise then that is what it is, at this point its a hard constraint and something to work with. Personally i think a map of their local community and the people and positive activities in it, is exactly what we should show to create a feeling of community connection - our core design goal.
the vision we’ve always built towards is users in the ‘gather’ (perhaps soon to be renamed ‘local’) section, arrive and visually see their local community, and all the users and the activities going on to benefit it. a map is an excellent tool for representing that visually with the most recent users faces in the list view.
the design goal is to build into that system and improve its effectiveness, and find solutions to keep users engaged if they are the 1st there. I think a welcome committee users can join is a great idea, along with suggestions for what they can do in that section.