Invite Feature Created

Users should have the ability to invite all the people in their geographic location who want to be invited to their public happiness activity or resource.

All users should be able to select options for whether they receive invites, for example:

  • receive invites for all activities posted
  • only contact me for invites from groups i’ve joined
    options: within [5, 10, 20, 50, 100 miles]
  • contact me about Global Public Happiness Activities (this option includes all distances)

Users can invite friends or groups to an event by using @ tags in the discussion for an event

Update to this task. It should now operate using location based groups:

Invite feature added to ‘success’ modal users see after posting a new event on the map. Users are going to be asked to join a group for their location on sign up in the new version of PHM, so the invite feature will be sending a message to a group so that users who have joined that group see that message (unless they’ve turned that option off).

Public Happiness.

Users in Discourse can only message groups if they have a high enough trust level, which means for example users won’t be able to invite an entire country group to their event until they are trust level 4.