Legacy: Introductions and Getting Started Chat

My name is Chris Woodward and I found out about Andy and FocalLocal while job hunting(still hunting) and I really like the mission of the project.
I am hoping to bring my experience as a developer, full stack and otherwise, to the project. I hope to learn some things and hopefully play a part in helping some people!

Hope you are cashing some happy checks today!

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Welcome again Chris!

Chris do you get a different (cooler) notification favicon now?

Hi everyone! I’m a Mathematician by training, but have spent the last 9 or so years working as a software developer. I specialize in JavaScript and Python. I am currently working on a refugee tracking project for a non-profit in Nigeria. I hope I would be able to attend the hackaton over the weekend.


Hi everyone! I’m Kevin and I live in Virginia. I’m a software developer where my current project is angular. I have worked on meteor and react during my internship days. I saw your post on reddit and I thought this project was for a good cause. I’m excited to contribute as much as I can!

I’ll start by going through the trello board and picking a task.

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People in Groningen, Netherlands who met me (Andy) recently. Say Hi and lets begin growing this community for happiness and well being where you live :slight_smile:

You are welcome to write in any language you like :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My name is Matt. I just read this thread: I'm in a community of volunteers creating a platform to help people who are homeless around the world. Want to join me? (React, Meteor, Sys Admin, UX/UI, Backend, App Dev) - Career Advice - The freeCodeCamp Forum, and joined immediately!

I’d like to put any of my development skills to use, and contribute to this amazing community. I’m knowledgeable with the MERN stack, and am reading up on Meteor right now! I’m not afraid to jump into new technologies. In fact, this is my favorite part of technology.

What you hope being in this community is going to be like?

Meeting cool, friendly people! :smile:

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Hi Matt, i’m impressed that your enthusiasm led you here. Welcome to the team, we can always use someone with your energy in our team!

I’ll DM you the usual welcome email :slight_smile:

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That’s great to hear, Andy!
I received your email, I sent one back.
Looking forward to contributing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi all!

My name is Ying and I live in the Greater Boston area in the US. I got here because of Andy’s recent post on freecodecamp. I was so excited to discover this opportunity!

I am a self-taught web developer and I have got the Full Stack Certification from freecodecamp. I have done several personal projects using React and I think I’m ready to solve real-world problems. I can’t wait to be a contributor to this community!


Hi all,
I’m Gopi Krishna from India. I got here from this thread https://www.freecodecamp.org/forum/t/im-in-a-community-of-volunteers-creating-a-platform-to-help-people-who-are-homeless-around-the-world-want-to-join-me/256486.

I’m a student and I’ve been learning web development from past 6 months. I’ve completed freeCodeCamps Front End Libraries certification.

Same as @user_1 I’d like to put my development skills to use and contribute to this community. And I want to overcome my introversion.


i am amir from egypt starting learning programming one year ago with FCC but stopped because i was busy and started again. and now learning intensively

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HI I’m Ellie I love spreading positivity through laughter yoga, free hugs and improvisation.


Hi Ellie. Why not post yourself on the Public Happiness Map. I think you might be the 1st in London as it’s just launching :slight_smile:


@channel you might have noticed less new faces around here the past weeks. I’ve been struggling with finding the time to post ads to invite more wonderful people to join our community these past two weeks, and now i’m off to France and then Malta to try and set up the World Public Happiness Summit i mentioned in passing, which is designed to bring positive groups onto our platform, so i’m gonna be struggling to find time again for the next two weeks again.

Would anyone else like to have a go?

You can see the sites and example messages i normally use here:


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Are there any particular areas where we could do with some extra help, or is it across the board?

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thanks for your reply @NJUX. Generally i’ve focused on Meteor, React and Backend Devs to get the site ready for other teams. The UX and UI design team has good energy right now.

The HR and Recruitment team is always one i think about focusing on so they can help bring in others. Perhaps a project manager to support getting people active on the streets for the Brighter Tomorrow Map, or contact universities/summer camps and get people using Focallocal.

…Basically everyone, but with a focus on Web Devs, Project Managers or HR/Recruitment.

Hi I am Telvin. Web developer and I glad to be here❤️

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Hey everyone! I’m Kirsty but you can also call me Kai :smiley: I have a degree in Psychology and I hope to be able to use the skills I learned in uni to help the community :smiley: Looking forward to interact with all of you!

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Hi! I am Grace, and I’ve been so much interested in this community the first time I knew about it. I am a Biology Major but now pursuing law. With this, I would like to help the world become a better place by sharing what I have learned and apply it to everyday life. I am excited to share my insights and interact with you all. Peace everybody! <3

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