Bug: All content except navbar disappears when clearing all fields in map

Open the map at:

Click “Gather” in the top right corner to open the modal form.

Click “Next” on the bottom right of the form.

Click “Clear all fields” at the top right of the form.
(This button is white with white text until you mouseover it which should also be fixed.)

All content except the navbar disappears and the following error is generated in the console:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'some' of undefined
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is this done?

I check on branch ‘master_withoutDCS’ for this issue seen to be fine on local.

  1. clear button text is visible now to see.
  2. after click on button, it clear the form field and don’t crash other content on page.

This component can be find in ( import -> client -> ui -> pages -> NewEvent )

Can someone confirm this?


@vutran The bug is still there on the live site. I think others are trying to confirm which branch is currently being used as the master over here Bug: "Clear All Fields" button on Gather form cannot be seen properly


thanks @bob. I’m not totally sure either, but i think what is happening is that we are loading both master and masterwithoutDCS branches together. so if you make a change to one it will go live, but there are some strange occurrences appearing.

@tmcnulty is that accurate?

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