Welcome from Public Happiness Andy

Hello, you’re early to the party this site hasn’t fully launched yet. That’s why its a little rough round the edges.

asically it’s a platform for positive non profit events and projects which benefit society, and I wondered if you’d like to put NTTR on it?


  • Event creators can send occasional messages to all attendees about any future events (something FB took away), so you don’t have to begin from scratch advertising it each year.You can send a message to everyone who went.
  • Repeat events like FB used to have. Set yours as a repeat event and everyone who joins this year will already be attending and following next year unless they click to unsubscribe.
  • Easier to collect photos and videos after the event, and keep people engaged if they want to be.
  • Gains a co-promotion boost from other prominent events, like the 8k who come to our International Pillow Fight Day or the 4k who come to the Worlds Biggest Eye Contact Gathering in London each year. They’ll all see your event next year making it far easier to sign up.
  • It’s owned by users on a decentralised governance basis. If you join it you are one of the owners and have a role in its development.
  • Non-profit, no ads, no selling data.
  • A built in project management suite, so the event is designed to encourage users to take an active role in building it rather than just click and forget like in FB.
  • An exploratory Public Happiness crypto token you earn for creating events. Basically you will get a chunk of tokens (comparatively a lot of them being one of the 1st) and they may be worth quite a lot of money in the future, because by encouraging public playfulness and tolerance, you’re benefiting society and anyone who is should be rewarded for their efforts. The platform isn’t reliant on the tokens, they’ll either super-charge its network effect, or become a very cool internet points systems (if interested you can read more here: https://publichappinessmovement.com/docuss/whitepaper)

If you like the idea all you need to do is:

  1. promote it as normal
  2. also create an event here: https://publichappinessmovement.com/docuss/m_gather
  3. post the location as the event link on the Public Happiness Movement website, and make a post to tell event participants that the location in on the Public Happiness Movement site.


  • the site is at MVP stage and will be more polished next month when we offically launch, but i already think it surpasses FB as it already helps you to retain members for next year where you’ll get a big boost from the other events. I’ll put Int Pillow Fight Day up tomorrow.
  • Sorry about the ‘Focallocal’ branding. We’re just waiting on the new logo to remove that, as i want the platform to be for all positive non-profit groups, not for them to join the project i founded back in 2012. Focallocal will just another project on here soon like all others.

You’re welcome to join in now if you don’t mind that the site takes a bit of extra effort to learn how navigate. Just click Global above and find a team to join :slight_smile: