[Discussion] App Animation by Aeglobal

Apologies the site isn’t working great atm and you might meet an endless loading screen. From what i understand Discourse changed how their api’s were called without giving any warning to plugin developers, so some plugins are now broken. One of ours is and it just happens to prevent me accessing the plugins page so i can work out which one and turn it off. Tom’s on the case via the server. Right now using the search icon in the tool bar seems to be the most reliable way to navigate. If you want to see anything, like a kanban board or calendar, just ask and i’ll turn it back on. Hopefully it’ll all be back very soon :slight_smile:

@aeglobal The new-build overview is here: [Overview] New Forum Build

A visual mock-up is here, where there are small differences, for example, the text in a button, please favour the forum post ahead of the mockup as it has been updated more recently

Each step has an individual thread for it in the new-build tag.

My recommendation would be to animate these features which are not yet complete:

  1. Tag-banners. This is easy, just use the category banners which already exist as they will be identical. Basically navigate using categories now, but so the viewer thinks they are seeing navigation via tags and tag-intersections.

  2. Events plugin and Kanban boards. These are working on Categories already so just make the user think they are searching tags

  3. Floating footer

  4. Voting: Again this is already working on the categories so just show the user those and make it appear to be in the tag-pages. The explainer text probably should as briefly as possible reference ‘reputation weighted decentralised governance’, decide how your teams evolve and tackle tasks

  5. User Stats. These stats exist already so this is easy

Public Happiness username /summary

  1. Platform stats sidebar on the home page: These stats are currently in the admin section

  2. Individual tag-page stats. These don’t exist yet, but can be seen in the mock up. I would suggest re-purposing some diagrams from the platform stats.

  3. Probably the most important one for the animation, the tag-search bar. Sitting in the banner at the top of each forum page, under our menu. I expect this will be one of the 1st things you’ll want to show users.

They type in a skill, cause or topic they are interested in. A dropdown below the search bar then shows them the most commonly associated tags with the tag they entered (excluding backlog, doing, sprint and done), and a prompt invites users to type or click another tag to make the search more specific. For example: Homelessness + Social Media. Happiness + Documentation.

excluded: Central Tag Navigation boxes. This might be a big task to animate and is a big task to build. I suggest adding it into the animation later. I also want more UX feedback as i think it might be unnecessary, if the tag search bar is powerful enough.