Add text to all getting started guides

Estimated Time: 20 mins

At the bottom of all Getting Started Guides please add this text:


Each team has their own documentation section where you should find best practices for each task that isn’t unique. If any task may need to be repeated in the future please create documentation for it.

Good documentation is a simple guide for how you completed the task that anyone can copy in the future. You don’t have to follow the guide in the documentation if you’d like to do it your own way.

If you achieve a successful outcome doing it your own way rather than following existing documentation, please comment what you did below the original and the results you had.

Not sure what to do?

If you’ve run out of tasks to do or aren’t sure where to start, most Teams have simple repeating tasks which benefit their mission and the overall PHM community. These will have been done hundreds or thousands of times before so the process will be well documented.

To find them check the ‘Backlog’ column in the Tasks and look for any beginning with ‘Repeating Task’, or use the search function and search for ‘Repeating Task’

Well done @JaiGuerrero!

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