Reddit Usernames

Please post your Reddit usernames here if they are different than the ones you’ve used on this platform, as it might get confusing if your team mates don’t know who they are talking to. Or post something like ‘same’.

Once you’ve posted here i’ll make you an admin on Reddit.

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Hi! It’s BananaCremeSmoothie from Reddit.

My happiness username should be BananaCremeSmoothie as well.

Nice to meet you all!


coolcat97. happy to be of service


@JHill728 Jai told me you were joining us. Welcome! Can you post your Reddit username here so if someone needs to know who is who cross platform they can work it out :slight_smile:

Then i recommend the Getting Started guide in the header of this Department (Reddit Mods)

hello! im u/victoriachiang on reddit

i run giveaways once in a while to spread the random love for gaming

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Welcome @victoria :slightly_smiling_face:

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