What subs should I be monitoring?

Hello all!

Just a bit confused, what subreddits should I be monitoring / modding for?

You wanted to sub r/randomactsofkindness. You’re welcome to mod as many as you want, but there’s no obligation.

I decided to take away the sub category for r/randomactsofkindness mods as there’s only a few of us mods here and it’ll be cool to have more discussion and resource sharing. Also a few of the mods are modding a few subreddits like me.

If that gets confusing its simple to create a sub-category again :slight_smile:

Is it just r/randomactsofkindness you want to mod? or would you like to help out on others too?

Ahh okay, I never got my mod perms for that one. But I’d love to help with any and all subs :slight_smile:

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I haven’t got mod perms for any of our subs actually.

oh… sorry, i guess i made a mistake somewhere. i’ll change that now. make sure you’ve read the Mod Guide linked in the header, mainly because the mod tool box will make modding sooo much easier for you across different subs.

welcome to the team!

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Done! :slight_smile: