Sample: Message inviting a mod to join r/happiness

Here’s a sample message i sent to a potential new mod who requested to join the team. You can use it to guide your own messages to new mods :slight_smile:

Thanks for messaging to join in. We mod and grow the subs on our own platform… which unfortunately is currently half down, hopefully not for too long. It gives us the ability to tag other teams when needed, for example if we want to get an article written up and out somewhere.

Basically all the subs are focused around our mission to bring more peace, kindness and well-being into the world, and everyone involved is a volunteer. Although we are going to begin rewarding members with our crypto token in the near future.

Anyway, the basics of the site are operational and i’d love to have you join the team. That can be in an active way, or just modding comments using the toolbox and popping in if you need to talk about something going on in the sub.

Getting Started Guide

Reddit Mods Department

r/happiness is changing its mission so right now you’ll see most posts are not up with the new direction, as the old one was a real mess because… what is ‘happiness’. So our 1st mission is getting some new users in posting the right kind of content.

@JaiGuerrero you’ll probably find this useful to invite the people who replied to your posts to join us. Can you make your own tasks for that here and add the time taken to the top please :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this! There are currently 9 redditors who expressed interest to join our Mod team! I hope all of them will push through :slight_smile:

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Fabulous, well done!