Exciting new partnership

@WebDev I’ve got exciting news!

Digi-Pros want to support our mission and are offering to host our database, help prepare us for rapid scaling, and want to help in any other way the can.

Which is great as we don’t need to wait for whatever is going on at MongoDB regarding their offer of free database hosting. I’ve emailed regularly these past few months and keep getting told it’ll be ready in a few days… no idea what the hold up is.

The person at The Digi Pros who made the kind offer (Jordin) wants a single page outlining what support we need, why, and how it’ll help

We’ve talked about

  • hosting our email on a private server with O365 interface, which takes away the scaling issue regarding Mailgun which i think would get expensive at some point.
  • Hosting our database so we can make listindex calls to our databases, which means another Migration. Or perhaps a copy, i’m not sure if having a two databases mirroring each other is good practice for security and to create redundancy in case of down time (assuming Mongo do eventually come good on their offer)

What you can do to help

I’ll handle the mission and project side of the application, i will definitely need your help with the technical side though. If you want to help make this happen please can you;

  • Review their website: https://thedigipros.com/ and write what we should ask them for in terms of support in two lists,
  1. Operational essentials
  2. Scaling needs
  3. Nice to haves which would help improve our operations
  4. Also regarding our crypto token, i guess security needs are going to need to be much higher when we have the automatic distribution bot/matrix live. Especially when/if it begins to gain value. What services would we need to be ready for that?


I’ve reviewed the metrics and usage data from the last few months, and we’re able to run for very little overhead at the current moment, there are less than a dozen requests each month and the index sizes are in the kilobytes. We could easily run as a pair of docker containers on shared infrastructure.

Likely the best way to do a migration to shared infrastructure is to use some of the built-in Mongo tooling. Mongo backup and restore. For base system requirements we can be pretty distro agnostic. If it would be preferred I can supply keys and do configuration but it would be best if we simply can hook up to new mongo instances. We can exchange secrets or set up migration users if necessary. Minimal ready to go configuration should be a linux type environment, SElinux enforcing, mongo provided through orchestration, binary installation whatever. This way we can get the command line tools for import and simply move the data over.

End of the day we need access to our two mongo instances, this way we can do the same update steps that were necessary when moving to Atlas. Let me know if there’s anything else I can provide.

Thanks @tmcnulty. The past year we’ve been running at absolute minimum capacity. I’ve begun building up teams again, although that’s hampered greatly by the site not working properly.

What we need is a technical plan for rapid scaling.
We will have over 500% engagement over the next two months… which is still pretty low.

Can you please write the requirements based upon what if BTM or PHM goes viral, which is what we’re beginning to aim for.

BTM as soon as we have a new home page. PHM a little slower as after the new home page we’re beginning with stable teams again, then the UX/UI rebuild, then rapidly growing the community.