Upgrade React to 16.8+ version

I think they just remembered the file. That’s what the issue we are having preventing Travis from building. I tried renaming the file and changing the path to match it in another file but no success.

If you want to see which file it is check recently pulls on deploy-phm

@zhna123 try yourlocalhosturl/godmode

That’s the admin section for the React side. Hopefully as its fresh you can create a new admin there and then users. We were planning on creating dummy database data but that task didn’t get completed. It would definitely be easier if there were posts, admins and users there right away.

If that works can you please write a section in the documentation on it.

What file was renamed?

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Nevermind @AndyatFocallocal , I fixed it.

This returns this page:

Can you share how so we can add it to the documentation

What should I share? I’m lost.

There seems to be an issue with the admin function on both PHM and BTM. I check ed old messages and it seems to have been renamed to /admin, but you have to access it directly from the React app.


If it enter /admin i briefly see the admin page and then it redirects to /godmode and i lose it:

Something is up with that redirection and i suspect that’s also causing the issue on the local site. I’m going to see if i can track down where the redirect is and try turning it off.

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Here’s the admin page. I don’t see a redirect in here though: fl-maps/index.js at master · focallocal/fl-maps · GitHub

How you fixed your localhost

Wait a second. I’m not logged in and can’t login on the React site


but i am logged in on the React side of the full site


I don’t know what that means. Something like SSO is working. Login on the React app isn’t. SSO is somehow bypassing that so we are still able to post on the map.

So i think /admin is working but i can’t access it as i’m not logged in.

Thinking out loud, but it seems to me like the database must there as i’m logged in on the full site and can create posts. I see a flash of the admin section on the React app as i try to access it but then it notices i don’t have permission/aren’t logged in and kicks me out. So the issue is the login system on the React app has been broken. Perhaps the module isn’t working with our Meteor upgrades?

This is it:

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My navigation is quite different locally too

Is this important? Because I’ve never used the local part of the admin since I joined.

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Its important for anyone coding or doing admin on the React side, which has been a bit neglected while we focused on getting the platform running again and our global communications platform was ahead of the local meetups side in priorities as we needed that to communicate well with each other.

@zhna123 I remember expected behaviour now with localhost admin. When you click sign up and create an account you would be the 1st person to do so and it’ll automatically set up as the platform admin.

The issue seems to be that the sign up/sign in or admin module on React is broken. Likely due to upgrading Meteor.

There was no exact route defined for sign-in and sign-up, so it went to the catch-all route, and returned null eventually. see here:

Since we have been merging deployment branch code into this branch, it’s possible the code removed the ability to log in and only intended to use discourse to log in.

That’s my guess. But maybe we need to create sign-in and sign-up route for the local app. And for production(in iframe) we will remove them.

Btw, I also don’t know how you can see the Sign-in and Sign-up link in one of your screenshots… I don’t see such links.

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You should see it here


If you don’t see it on localhost thats a clue where the issue lies

We should have two separate sign up/sign in options and two databases. We sync the user accounts via API using our Discourse as a single sign on provider.

It basically copies accounts created on Discourse into our React app DB and logs users into both so it appears they are the same account.

The menu bar on the live site covers the React app menu, although it is still actually there just hidden.

If localhost doesn’t show the sign up/sign in and profile icon, then it likely means that package isn’t loading anymore (as the live site hasn’t been able to rebuild since we updated MeteorJS a few weeks back, the live site is still running the last stable version).

I’m not sure about this. I feel it was probably left like that as it was how it was supposed to function, with star being a special character for default or something. We can try changing it to /admin or /godmode and see what happens though. would you like to try that in localhost and if it does something interesting make a PR and we’ll test it out on deploy-phm

Ah I see…
After some debugging, it seems fontawesome doesn’t load correctly anymore. All the icons are collapsed and not displaying. (After I manually added some width/height to the icon areas, I can click them to see the menus). I’ll look more to see if we need to update the way we use fontawesome, or if there’s an easy fix. Either way, it shouldn’t be hard.

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