Setting up discourse on localhost windows using WSL(linux)

After successfully installing discourse when trying to start it I am getting the following error

#<Thread:0x00007fd8cc024c78 /home/nelson/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:1109 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
/home/nelson/discourse/lib/letter_avatar.rb:112:in ``': No such file or directory - convert (Errno::ENOENT)
        from /home/nelson/discourse/lib/letter_avatar.rb:112:in `image_magick_version'
        from /home/nelson/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:1109:in `block in preload_rails!'
E, [2023-06-02T14:01:47.847419 #24531] ERROR -- : No such file or directory - convert (Errno::ENOENT)
/home/nelson/discourse/lib/letter_avatar.rb:112:in ``'
/home/nelson/discourse/lib/letter_avatar.rb:112:in `image_magick_version'
/home/nelson/discourse/lib/discourse.rb:1109:in `block in preload_rails!'```
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@WebDev anyone have any ideas?

@zhna123 are any of those the dependencies you’re working on updating at the moment?

@AndyatFocallocal I have gotten a solution to the problem and it`s finally working :partying_face:
I was using the following guide. I am writing the solution and posting it under the documentation shortly.
Thank you for your support.

Great, well done. Interesting to see a Windows set up running the full platform well. I advise everyone not to try but if yours is stable then i will advise them to try out WSL instead.

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