PHM Social Media Channels

Feel welcome to use our media channels to get more eyes on your projects and activities related to the PHM mission of creating a kinder world with more peace in.

The easiest way to do this is to tag the @SocialMedia team


These accounts are for personalities and public figures who are part of the story of our Movement and can be grown and leveraged to spread awareness of our community, mission and individual projects. Each account has their own personality characteristics which should be reflected in posts.

Reddit Channels

Reddit Culture
Reddit users dislike advertising and self-promotion. Posts to our subs should be directly relevant to the sub in question, or subtly guiding users to areas of our platform that are related to the topic of the sub-reddit. The purpose of what we are doing should be clear as users are very hostile to disingenuous communication which is standard in normal marketing/social media… and its not who we are.

  • r/randomactsofkindness. Here users post random acts of kindness they’ve completed or witnessed to spread the positivity further
  • r/happiness. Celebrating happiness and those creating more of it.
  • r/selflove. A place which encourages and guides people to be kinder to themselves.
  • r/positive. A channel where members can share share positive materials they’ve created, or enjoy.
  • r/GoodOpenSource. For Open Source projects which are directly contributing to humanitarian causes.
  • r/artbattle. Being set up as a place where non-profits and good causes (small ones, not big charities) can post something arty they want like a poster and artists wanting to practice battle with each other to create the best interpretation of it. Note: requesting revisions is not allowed.
  • r/brightertomorrow. Partnered with our Brighter Tomorrow project. Users post ideas for actions others can take to help people who are homeless nearby, and creative projects they can be build to provide support.
  • r/publichappiness. Currently Inactive
  • r/webdevjobs. Used to help web developers in our teams find jobs via a stickied post with their profiles and a message of thanks. Also as a pull mechanism to bring more developers into our community