Yes, that’s it so you’d put this into your settings:
Yes, that’s it so you’d put this into your settings:
You’ll need to search the settings for ‘docuss’
Check the enable tick box and also add
Ok got some good progress. The iframe loads when not logged in, but as soon as I do I get:
Edit: This is occurring when docuss appends discord-login=true to the url when User.Current() aka is logged in. If I comment that out it loads fine. Still playing around with it, as I’m missing some things. I wonder if you can package your local discourse folder so I can test out that version.
Looks like it might be related to the SSO set up, I suggest having another look at that step.
I’m going to see if I can create a clean backup of our Discourse site which you would just restore. If I give you the full back up you’d have everyone’s passwords and DMs
Oh no I was never expecting a backup of live data. Not even looking for any data whatsoever, just a copy of the discourse folder you use for development when you spin up your local discourse server alongside phm. Or your current ruby version and discourse version would be helpful too Then I can scour the discourse repo for a specific commit and load that alongside the specific ruby version.
Looks like it might be related to the SSO set up, I suggest having another look at that step.
Where can I find the documentation for this step?
I’m going to work on a dummy save file with all the settings so its easier for others in the future. I’m leaving to drive from Turkey to Portugal tomorrow and don’t know how much time i’ll have to work on it (as my dog is going to expect to be running and playing when we aren’t driving).
It’s probably going to take me about a week to work on the file.
Ok, that’s a super useful post. No worries, I’m going to go through this stuff and make sure I didn’t miss anything. Safe travels.