In the Local side there used to be question mark icons in the filter which when clicked would redirect users to an About and How To guide for each activity. I’m not sure when and why they disappeared. They looked like this, and i think they had a small circle around the ? mark to make it look more like a button.
Edit: Actually I found it, however it just links me to the production site (Public Happiness). I read most of the documentation, but maybe I’m missing something. I can certainly fix this issue.
Up to you. There’s plenty of tasks available which don’t touch Discourse, but longer term its easier as you can see how everything ties together on localhost.
1st time i’ve seen that one. I’ll just type out the error message so its easy to find for others and we can move this into our documentation section once its resolved.
Error compiling CSS asset
Runtime error: Discourse does not support compiling scss/sass files via sprockets
I don’t know what would have caused it, but did you try pre-compiling your assets?
Add the plugin’s git clone url just below the line containing git clone the existing format of the docker_manager.git line; if it does not contain sudo -E -u discourse then insert - git clone
Rebuild the container:
cd /var/discourse
./launcher rebuild app
Maybe we can schedule a call so I can see how your discourse integration looks if I can’t figure it out? I’m very close, dev env runs but as soon as I spin up the discourse server on localhost:4200, I get that error.
Also I’m not sure if i can, but would it make setup of localhost easier if i can save a Discourse backup file with all our settings just the content stripped out, so new devs would only need to restore it to get the two apps running together?
Yea I haven’t gone the docker route either, just wasn’t sure if I had to. I have discourse fully installed and spins up just fine. However as soon as it’s up and I run the dev env for phm in tandem, I get that error message for phm.
Runtime error: Discourse does not support compiling scss/sass files via sprockets
Wondering if I’m on the wrong branch? I’m still working on deploy-phm currently. Not super familiar with this environment, so unsure if I’m missing something along those lines or if my settings.json file needs to be adjusted.
Edit: Think it’s actually my version of discourse. The property SiteSettings from Discourse.Application doesnt exist. I’m going to conform the docuss plugin to the new specs and see how it goes. Hope re-editing my replies are spamming y’all.
Let us know whether the new version works. Did you follow the Docuss setup guide as that contains some settings which would need to be set?
Would be great if you record your process so others can follow as it seems like its been a tricky one and i’m sure there’s lots of great tips, dead ends and solutions that will help others in the future