[Notice] Discourse is upgrading to Ember5. What do we need to do and by when?


The only plugin we absolutely need to check for compatibility and update in preparation is our Docus plugin

We should also keep a close eye on the Kanban plugin as we rely heavily on that.

We will also need to be ready to take some time removing and replacing all the plugins and components we use which are not updated.

I will create two tasks:

  1. Go through them all and ask in the Meta forum if there are plans to update so we are ready.
  2. Check through and update Docus ready for Ember5

We can check both live and on localhost how its going to affect us:

To test things on Ember 5 in a local development environment, you can start our ember-cli helper with the EMBER_VERSION environment variable. For example:

EMBER_VERSION=5 bin/ember-cli -u

To confirm things are working as expected, check the Ember version which Discourse prints to the browser console.

In production, you can achieve the same thing by adding EMBER_VERSION: 5 to the env: section of your app.yml file.