Open Skills Sharing Day

Societal Issues Targeted:

  • Promoting the benefits of an open sharing culture, where information is free to anyone who wants to learn

  • Creating a vibrant, happy space where everyone is welcome


Every city should have a place where every week people meet to share their skills with each other, and anyone is welcome to come along and ask anyone there to show them a little bit of what they are doing and practice with them. Holding onto knowledge is so 1990’s! Knowledge isn’t lost when it is shared, it is copied and doubled! If we share what we know openly with our neighbours, everyone gets more, including you! The more we all give away, the more everyone gets, and we all leave with more than we came with… oh, and it’s heaps of fun!!!

Simply show up at the agreed place and time ready to share your skills, practice, learn new things, and bring a sign saying:

Open Skills Sharing. Ask me if you’d like to try ……… ” (in any language)

This day is a free and open event for everyone and anyone to connect and share with each other; it’s strictly not-for-profit, but it helps increase the range of activities offered if people are allowed to ask for modest donations for any materials they need to buy and give out (paper, paints, string, etc).

At the skills share, you’ll be able to practice your hobbies, meet with others who share your interests, and try out many new activities and hobbies you never thought you’d be doing yourself! As always, there’ll be lots of smiles shared and everyone is welcome, so invite them! Come along and maybe you’ll discover a new lifelong passion.


Imagine a world where sharing what you know doesn’t just make you feel good, but actually makes you smarter. That’s right! When you share your skills and knowledge, it’s like a two-way street of creativity and learning. Studies have shown that when we open up and pass on what we know, it sparks a chain reaction of creativity and cognitive growth—not just for the person soaking up the knowledge, but for you, the sharer, too! It’s a win-win situation where everyone walks away a little bit brighter and a whole lot happier. So, why keep all that brilliance to yourself when you can spread it around and watch it grow?

What Do I Need?

  1. A welcoming sign (or a few) to put nearby where people are passing, inviting them to come join you sharing skills.

  2. Any materials needed for your skill (e.g., instruments, tools).

  3. Optional: A small sign indicating what you can teach, especially for less common skills.

  4. A skill you can share. Everyone has something, some examples are:

    • Aerial silks, acroyoga, voice-craftmanship, public speaking, sewing, parkour, crochet, upcycling, drum circles, balloon animals, acrobatics, making music from nature, slack lining, juggling, poi, yoga, swing dance, beat boxing, language exchange, jewellery making, capoeira, creative writing, illustration, yoga, gymnastics, juggling, magic, and many more.

    • It could also be something you’ve just learnt on YouTube, like a cool way to put your shoe laces in, or random generic advice like how to look busy when there’s nothing to do at work by picking up something and holding it to give the impression you are on the way to do something.


  1. Set one up: The idea is simple, fun, and beneficial for everyone! To start one where you live, just pick a place and time every week to meet, invite all your friends and use the ‘invite’ feature in the Gather section of this website and let everyone nearby know about your Open Skills Sharing activity.

  2. Consistency for the first few gatherings: There needs to be a small group of people who will be committed to coming at the right time and practising their skills for the first few weeks until awareness spreads. As people gain confidence that there will be others there at that day and time, then the activity starts running itself.

  3. Share your experience: After the event, share your experiences, maybe write an article and post it here. Gather opinions from participants, and offer tips for future events. Don’t forget to include your best photos and videos!

Tell Everyone The Golden Rule of an Open Skills Sharing Day:

Everyone who comes is welcome to ask anyone else there to teach them a little bit of the skill they are practising.

We’re building an open and welcoming space. Often at skills-based types of meet-ups you’ll get people who are good at a skill wanting only to practice with others who are, and making the beginners feel unwelcome. That’s not the vibe we’re aiming for.


  • Think back to when you were new to a city or learning something new. How much would you have enjoyed knowing there was a place like this where you could come, be welcomed and make new friends? A regular Open Skills Sharing activity can transform the entire experience of visiting, or moving to a new town, for so many people.

  • If you can teach something that isn’t obvious (lucid dreaming, river hydrology), bring a small sign saying what you can teach.

  • Modest donations for materials if needed are cool (paper, paints, string).


  • Example signs

  • How-to guides

Studies Supporting the Positive Impact of this Activity: