Hackathon 20th and 21st Oct 2018 - Main Thread

Welcome, I’m soo pleased you came!

Let’s begin by introducing ourselves and if we have any specific skills, or just here full of enthusiasm and a kind heart!

I’m Andy, founder of the Focallocal Public Happiness community, and i began the Brighter Tomorrow Map build 2.5 years ago, and the rebuild in React after the tragedy of learning Blaze was likely to become unsupported a year ago. Now we’re finally here again, on the brink and ready to launch this tool into the world to bring a little peace and hope into the lives of many desperately in need of a brighter life.

I am a project manager, and only have a vague understanding of React and servers, so while i’m here to support everyone i won’t be able to help with in depth technical questions or tasks.

Hello! I’m Kay. I’ve worked on various projects large and small. Implementing change and new ways of working are some of the areas I’ve worked on and helping people adapt. I have managed social media for businesses and charities also.
Would love to help in any way I can as sounds like a great heart warming project!

K x

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Thank you @Kay. Unsurprisingly you are the 1st one here (thank you for pointing out the forum was not allowing signups). We have a few devs active on our Slack getting as much done in the build up as possible.

It sounds like your skills could be perfect for preparing/leading a social media campaign on the day to get people posting free resources, and things they can offer onto the map.

Hi! I’m Vignesh.

I am still a student Dev - in college - but I think I can be of great help. I have strong skills in React and various other tech as seen on my portfolio site. I work primarily in a MERN stack, but can make my way around anything node/react based.


I have worked with a few open source organizations and it has always been super fun - I look forward to helping out on this project!

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Just moving @oiclid’s post here. They posted it in the ‘other’ correct place :joy:


Continuing the discussion from Hackathon 20th and 21st Oct 2018 - Main Thread:

Hi, I’m Kevin. I have extensive experience in Java, Javascript, and HTML and I am currently learning iOS development and working on my Swift, while also looking to beef up my knowledge of React. I will be here all day 20th and 21st.

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Hi, my name’s Yohan. My background is in physics but I did quite a bit of programming in college. I started learning ES6, React and Redux last year since I figured I wanted to be a web developer. I am hoping that I could get some more experience by helping you helping the world :).

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Martin here. I won’t be one of those 24-hour guys but I will try to dedicate a few hours on Saturday and Sunday to improve whatever issues I can find to work on. Javascript, CSS, general front end problem solving is what I do.

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Hi my name’s Andrew, I have recently completed a full stack developer boot camp. I am proficient in the NERD stack (node, express, react/redux, databases). Have built some simple websites/apps.

Feel relatively confident with my React and am.planning to go through the Meteor intro. Happy to contribute a full day this weekend to help out!

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Just jumping in again to say that I’m super excited to have you all here!

What is the plan for the weekend? You mentioned it was remote so is there going to be any calls? Would love to know more about how the system works. I’ve implemented IT systems, not very techy but am usually helping the user understand how things work.
K x

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Also my friend made this video on prisons and this idea reduced costs by 75% and had a reoffending rate of 5% by giving them a role and responsibility. Could be a great concept to find something like this that helps the homeless reconnect back to a stable environment!

The plan is to coordinate remotely on this forum, and to find/post tasks on our Trello board which I’ll be expanding tomorrow.

As people are joining in from all different time zones I havent really planned a schedule as such, I was going to just let video calls and work groups form organically, or call them when it felt appropriate. I’m definitely happy for your suggestions on improving the format.

It was originally going to be running out of a hot desking venue in Amsterdam but they pulled out last minute so you’ll all get to see in inside of my van instead where I’ll be online to direct people as they arrive :joy::slight_smile:

Maybe I should record a video intro and walk through of our work flow?

I can’t see that link. Do you have another? I definitely love the idea of giving responsibility to experienced members to help others along the path. It was going to be as admins, but that definitely has room to expand into something more community focused

I hope everyone is excited to deliver this much needed tool to the world!

On the weekend we’re going to be integrating this forum into the main site, so there is a possibility of it going down. For that reason can i ask you all to join our Slack, which is where you can find each other if anything happens to this main forum for a while.

At the beginning check your timezone here i’ll be hosting a zoom call introduction to the project and to get to know anyone who’s around. It will be recorded for those who can’t make it.

Video calls will be self-led. Invite each other to individual and group calls as often as you like to make the hack more social. I suggest using Zoom, but take you pick :slight_smile:

I’m Bryan, My background as a developer are working on web applications such as React, JavaScript (ES6), HTML/CSS. I also have experience backend and cloud infrastructure like Node, .Net Core, AWS, Azure.
My team is also working on a mobile application with React Native. Very excited to participate on this project and help as much as I can!

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I have been teaching my self programming as a hobby for several years. Built a lot of personal projects, but I have never worked with others. I am excited for this new experience. My skills are in JavaScript/React Mongodb and Node.

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Good morning. Who’s online?

I’m gonna go grab a coffee. When someone comes online we can start a video call :slight_smile:

Or actually just jump right in, I’ll keep the video going: https://zoom.us/j/454026696