Linked to the Design a new splash page thread
- We need to engage users, and existing non-profit communities with similar values
- We need to divide users between those who want to meet positive people nearby and have fun creating change, and those who want to join an online community and together build projects to benefit people, communities and the planet. Then direct new visitors down one path.
- Here’s the backstory to help guide discussion: Community Backstory
- The current text
- The foreword and introduction from the whitepaper we want to explain very briefly to users
An example i wrote… but don’t like:
Anyone benefiting society should be rewarded fairly.
The Public Happiness Movement is a global solution to empower every human-being to come together and take positive action on ant, and all societal issues.
The eco-system is founded on The Public Happiness Token, a new economy which rewards people for their efforts, because anyone benefitting a community should be rewarded fairly.
Charities and volunteering are simply covering the cracks created by an unfair economic system. They are a part of this system, and very few have any idea how to solve the issue they target… other than ‘give us more money’.
Our token creates a systemic change at an economic level. Incentivising everyone around the world for coming together to create, and then implement solutions locally which benefit local people, their community, and our planet - creating a world where taking action to create positive change a regular part of life, and our economies.
You can read more here: