Hour picker improved


I’ve been reading through. 2020 was when our platform and project died due to the database issue that we just couldn’t fix. I finally resolved it during COVID lockdowns with the help of the CTO from MongoDB. This is our rebirth from the flames​:fire::slightly_smiling_face:

The issue with waiting for the forms we because someone was actively working on them, but their work was never completed. It comes down to those 3 forms again because users need to able to:

  1. post themselves onto the map, and when selecting that category it would have no end date
  2. post fixed resources like a homelessness shelter or soup kitchen. Those would also not need an end date as when they close down users would report them closed and they’d get removed by an admin.
  3. Post events onto the map which might be a one off, repeating daily, weekly, monthly, for a week, year, or indefinitely.
  4. Post something they are offering to do for people who are homeless (a community resource). Which might be each week, it might be forever like putting a bench and usb charging point in their fence, or it might be something that people who are homeless need to contact them to arrange a time.

It is possible to squeeze all of those options into one date and time picker on one form, and we have most of those options already built in, but finding a way to present all of those options to users so they know what to select, that’s a challenge.

We can use the ‘hide field if X category is selected’ function, which already exists… but maybe it’s less complex to separate out the forms into three versions.

Would you like another task? You are very welcome to take on the entire form issue. It’s certainly not the easy getting started one I thought I was suggesting you begin with though so please feel very welcome to request a different one :sweat_smile: