Getting Started: Story Tellers and Copywriting

These words are very not exciting. really not. Let the 1st Mission be to write an awesome intro to the copy writing thread. Tools: Getting Started Join the Team Resources - Youtube Channel - Documentation

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Which makes it much easier to stay up to date with what’s going on in discussions and tasks you’re working on.


Here you can:

  • discuss what needs to be improved
  • tell others what you’d like to work on
  • find others to collaborate with
  • get advice and learn new skills
  • ask for feedback
  • arrange meetings (online and in person)

Mission Statement

If anyone wants to suggest a new intro or mission statement you can create a contest with voting and users will decided whether to keep the original one or adopt the new one. Which ever gets more votes lives.

Anyone or any group who share our vision and Community Values are welcome to join us. Your mission is to grow our community and turn it into a hub that enhances all members efforts to bring more peace and well-being to the world, combining our efforts into a powerful shared message which ignites a belief in others that real societal change is possible.

Tag Pages

Here is your tag page, which will replace this category in the near future:
Public Happiness[enter your groups tag here]. Tags will superseed categories in the Beta version of this platform so please put extra attention into the tags you use. You can create your own tags which will have their own tag pages. These will blow your mind when we switch the site to navigate by tag-intersections in Beta launch.


Please focus your efforts onto encouraging and inspiring others into taking action to create a world with more peace and well-being in, and joining our Movement. Creating change should always look fun. Please steer away from pumping out positivity quotes and memes on our channels as there are plenty already doing that and it too often comes across as cringy. Action, Excitement and Fun


Join a Team

Teams on our platform are skill based and mean other members can reach out to you when they want feedback on their work and suggestions, or to ask if anyone can help with a related task to your skills. If you want to be actively engaged in projects going on, or gain experience in a skill, you should join their team (or ask for one to be created if it’s missing). You will receive more notifications if you are in a team as other users can reach out to you.

[Current Team Tasks](add the url to your tasks page)

These should be broken into self-contained actionable slices of 30mins to 1hr so people from around the world can contribute in bite-sized time contributions, rather than excluding those who aren’t able to commit large amount of time. They can be strung together, just move them all over and assign to yourself if you plan to tackle them in one sitting.

Please try to keep to this rule when posting tasks. If the tasks are large and can’t be self contained, then use add [Discussion] at the beginning of the title, and add tags for all the groups needed to break it up into self-contained tasks.

note: some users are seeing this tab called ‘Board’. Its a bizarre bug we’re working to solve

Feel welcome to use our media channels to get more eyes on your projects and activities

The easiest way to do this is to tag the @SocialMedia team


These accounts are for personalities and public figures who are part of the story of our Movement and can be grown and leveraged to spread awareness of our community, mission and individual projects. Each account has their own personality characteristics which should be reflected in posts.

Reddit Channels

Reddit Culture
Reddit users dislike advertising and self-promotion. Posts to our subs should be directly relevant to the sub in question, or subtly guiding users to areas of our platform that are related to the topic of the sub-reddit. The purpose of what we are doing should be clear as users are very hostile to disingenuous communication which is standard in normal marketing/social media… and its not who we are.

  • r/randomactsofkindness. Here users post random acts of kindness they’ve completed or witnessed to spread the positivity further
  • r/happiness. Celebrating happiness and those creating more of it.
  • r/artbattle. Being set up as a place where non-profits and good causes (small ones, not big charities) can post something arty they want like a poster and artists wanting to practice battle with each other to create the best interpretation of it. Note: requesting revisions is not allowed.
  • r/brightertomorrow. Partnered with our Brighter Tomorrow project. Users post ideas for actions others can take to help people who are homeless nearby, and creative projects they can be build to provide support.
  • r/socialmovements. A bit messy, neglected and in need of love, but set up to help positive social movements like ours gain more exposure
  • r/behappier. A guide of resources for people wanting to learn how to live happier and more fulfilling lives
  • r/positiveaction. Currently Inactive.
  • r/publichappiness. Currently Inactive
  • r/webdevjobs. Used to help web developers in our teams find jobs via a stickied post with their profiles and a message of thanks. Also as a pull mechanism to bring more developers into our community
  • r/filmvideo_jobs. Currently inactive. Used to help video creators in our teams find jobs via a stickied post with their profiles and a message of thanks. Also as a pull mechanism to bring more video creators into our community

Collaborating with other Teams

You may also want to involve other teams to help solve the task by adding their tag. For example: ‘UI’, ‘Graphic-Design’, ‘Copy-Writing’, ‘UX’.

If you need support from another team then your suggestion is probably not ready to be posted as a self contained ‘task’ , so consider tagging it as a discussion and adding [Discussion] to the beginning of the title.

Its also often a good idea to tag their team in the post to get more eyes on it using the @ key

Here you can

  • Discuss and coordinate how to build your community and projects
  • find others to collaborate with
  • get advice and learn new skills
  • ask for feedback
  • arrange meetings (online and in person)

Our Culture

This is an open community where you can define your own role. To be most effective here we promote a culture of defining our own roles.

  • Make your own choices on how you can best take action to advance the community
  • Tell people what you are going to do.
  • Listen to their feedback and ideas to strengthen your idea
  • Find tasks others need help with by clicking the ‘tasks’ tab (this is also where to make your suggestions.


Step 1. Click ‘Tasks’
Step 2. Assign a card to yourself, or create a new task
Step 3. Move it into ‘Doing’
step 4. If the task isn’t complete by 2 weeks please move it back into the list it came on so that others can tackle it. (note. it shouldn’t go in Sprint if its going to take you longer than 2 weeks)


Scrum organises tasks by

  • ‘Backlog’
  • ‘Sprint’
  • ‘Doing’
  • ‘Done’

On a computer you can drag tasks between columns in the ‘Tasks’ tab. On a mobile you need to open them up and change the tag from one of the above to the one you want (for now).

Please don’t forget to move it to ‘Done’ or someone else may also do it, and you won’t receive any tokens

Assigning Yourself a Task

Underneath the comments on a task is the Assign button

Creating Your Own Tasks

As you gain confidence in your role you’ll be able to create your own tasks in the main platform if you think of something that will advance the movement or one of our projects. You can create tasks for yourself, for other users to choose, or you can tag other users in the comment below your task and ask them if they would like to take it. Please don’t assign tasks to other users yourself without their approval as they may find this rude.

Please use the Calendar

  • Click the ‘Calendar’ tab and set times you want to contribute to our mission here
  • Even if you change them later it is a huge help to set your intentions. Members who do this are always the ones who stick around and become important members of our community.
  • Set a monthly, weekly or bi-weekly reminder in your calendar to repeat regularly
  • Check out when others will be online and arrange collaborations and video meetings with them

Posting Your Schedule onto the Calendar

Create a normal post and set it as an event. The calendar will convert the times into whoever is viewing its local time so you don’t need to add timezones.


This community is a great place for learning a new skill. Just search for the learning tag combined with any skill you’d like to learn to see if others have posted free courses, and are learning that skill here too. The benefits of learning here are:

  • Crowd sourced learning resources
  • Others to learn with
  • Experienced professionals who want to support, mentor and offer guidance to those earlier on the same path
  • Free or discounted courses to get qualifications
  • Learn your skill by contributing to building projects in the real world
  • Tasks posted suitable for beginners, and with experienced industry professionals you can call with an @ command to check your work and give feedback/support
  • Tasks are public. Future employers can check what tasks you’ve done, follow how your skill advanced, see which projects you’ve built, and how you communicate with a team.

1st one there in this team? Post in forums and bring others over. There’ll be no shortage of people who want to learn while building positive projects which create a kinder, happier world.

Other Rewards

Its definitely best to join in because you want to see the changes it can bring to the world, and be part of a fun, positive and pro-active community.

We also invite anyone who plays a significant role into our team page, and are enthusiastic to support you if it helps your resume building: Public Happiness


You may find some references or links to and Trello. We are not using these anymore so please report them to a moderator to be updated. The site name may be changed before launch as it’s not perfect either.


Everyone who completes any tasks will be rewarded with Public Happiness Tokens for each task completed which advances our community, mission and supports this ecosystem. You’ll get them when we reach Beta launch. We don’t guarantee they’ll ever be worth anything, but most of us here believe they will be and will be the fuel driving our social changes

Want to read more?

  • A more detailed plan of building our eco-system, and vision for systemic change creating a world with more peace, well-being and happiness, is here in the Whitepaper. Be warned it is a very long read.
  • Also check out: How to Post Correctly in this Forum

Keep it Groovy

Our efforts to create change are very serious, but our delivery is always positive, fun and cool.

‘If its not fun it’s not sustainable’ - Gary Lachance, The Decentralised Dance Party

These words are very not exciting. really not. Let the 1st Mission be to write an awesome intro to the copy writing thread!

Tools: Chat - Missions - Resources - Youtube Channel - Action Center

Here you can:

  • discuss what needs to be improved
  • tell others what you’d like to work on
  • find others to collaborate with
  • get advice and learn new skills
  • ask for feedback
  • arrange meetings (online and in person)

You’ll find suggested videos and tasks in ‘Missions’, when complete share your success with the community in the Hero Hub > Missions Complete

Andy :0)

currently the Chat link is broken and i can’t access whatsapp till i get a replacement phone. if its not fixed by the 10th March 2017 send me a DM reminder please :slight_smile:

Hey - Just a quick message for now. I’m going to do some writing tomorrow and hopefully be able to post it here by the evening.


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Here is a link to the press release for the Brighter Tomorrow map:

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Can’t attach files here as a new user so hope it’s alright as a google doc link for now

upgraded your account to regular contributor, as that’s where you are heading. on;t worry, there are still more exciting levels left to reach :slight_smile:

@NCaley would you like to write an article about our Kindness Auction tonight if we have a chat and i give you some pointers?

Hey - sorry I only just finished work and saw this. If the auction has already happened then I could try and write something anyway, based on what people tell me. Would this be helpful?

its fine. it runs for three weeks :slight_smile:

ah perfect. then yes, I’d like to work on an article about it asap

cool, i’ll get back to you tomorrow with more details

sorry for the delay @NCaley

here’s more info about the Kindness and Fun Things Auction (Kindness Auction for short)

here’s the Auction:

and this Auction will be supporting our Brighter Tomorrows Map, and a group called Cause Corps:

the challenge in this article will be in telling the reader what cause corps do, while differentiating them from our micro-volunteering. as the ideologies of coming together and creating positive action projects are similar. you can also contact @kirstystubbs and ask for a specific project Cause Corps are working on to use, that might be the easiest way to differentiate

the auction has already launched, so as soon as you the article s ready it’ll launch :slight_smile:

(p.s. the map launch has been held up again. the team have promised me Friday now)

Hey hey!

Would happily let you know some more info on Cause Corps @NCaley if you need it :slight_smile: Just give me a shout! Probably best to get @AndyatFocallocal to prod me if I haven’t replied on here!

A post was merged into an existing topic: This is a test


Each team has their own documentation section where you should find best practices for each task that isn’t unique. If any task may need to be repeated in the future please create documentation for it.

Good documentation is a simple guide for how you completed the task that anyone can copy in the future. You don’t have to follow the guide in the documentation if you’d like to do it your own way.

If you achieve a successful outcome doing it your own way rather than following existing documentation, please comment what you did below the original and the results you had.

Not sure what to do?

If you’ve run out of tasks to do or aren’t sure where to start, most Teams have simple repeating tasks which benefit their mission and the overall PHM community. These will have been done hundreds or thousands of times before so the process will be well documented.

To find them check the ‘Backlog’ column in the Tasks and look for any beginning with ‘Repeating Task’, or use the search function and search for ‘Repeating Task’