Yes, 20 minutes
(i thought you had a super fast gaming computer now)
Not yet haha. I decided not to buy it because I’m in a crazy and lawless country. The police can come into my house and in the process steal my expensive computer and I can’t recover it. It happened to my friend. I had to keep my money in my bank account where I can see it daily lol
This is the link to get it
coming now
4th topic down : Web Dev - Documentation - Public Happiness
these are the files for the pages, but there may be some directories needed that i’ve missed: fl-maps/imports/client/ui/pages at master · focallocal/fl-maps · GitHub
and the corresponding i18n pages are also called ‘template’ and inside BTM and PHM here: fl-maps/imports/both/i18n/en at master · focallocal/fl-maps · GitHub
I should mention that there is every chance i’ve missed something or introduced a bug as i’m not very skilled with code
i’m going to explore deployment now. as i’m not active at coding anymore i find it takes a while to remember how things work together… but i usually get there
Hey @AndyatFocallocal , can we have the kanban board for the new home page look like the floating footer kanban board? The new home page board looks confusing.
The new home page => New Home Page - Public Happiness
The floating footer => Floating Footer - Public Happiness
Ah, yes. Each new category needs to be set up in the admin area
Nice. Thanks for the update, its great to see
Happy New Year! How’s the home page coming?
I’m trying to fix notifications today and will keep you updated, hopefully with a notification
Happy New Year to you too. I’m still on the homepage. I will let you know when I need help.
This would be great. I’m looking forward to it
This image is too large.
I end up using this
But the white background is a challenge
You’re welcome to resize it to any dimension you need. Plenty of free programs online if you don’t have photoshop. Adobe seem to have an online one too, although i don’t know if you need to sign in to use it:
ok, what dimensions do you need? I’ll make it transparent, resize and resave it as a .gif or .png
Are you putting that image into the toolbar?