Complete Walkthrough - Setting up an instance of our platform

Please link to other posts in the documentation section for expanding on simple top level instructions.

Domain Setup

Namecheap is a good choice.

Discourse port mappings: Port Mappings - Common ports and their services


React App Setup

Server set up on Digital Ocean

Setup for Database passwords and secrets


Fork from main repo on Github


Travis CI set to build from Github

Travis: TravisCI - The Build Process

Has some details but not a full walkthrough

This might be a 1 hour.

Installing Discourse

Nothing too scary. Here’s the walkthrough guide. I strongly suggest you follow this and don’t use the 1-click installer from Digital Ocean.


Set up Cloudflare

You’ll need to:

  • change the nameservers where you registered your domain and set them to point to the two from cloudflare. Click DNS on Cloudflare and scroll to the bottom to the page to find them.
  • add 3 txt records for your mail server. We use Mailjet.
  • Follow the guide in the section above to add 2 A records pointing to your new Digital Ocean Droplet IPs. These should be DNS only (at least during set up).


Discourse Initial Setup


@Marvelxy above this are tasks for you

Hooking Discourse and ReactJS via Docus


Single Sign On (SSO) set up


Discourse Plugins Installed

This plugin needs to be setup separately:


Setup the Admin section on the ReactJS side

Customise text on ReactJS half of your platform (i18n)

This needs to be set separately:


Logos and images added

On the React half logos and images are set via adding links to i18n. these can be internal with a relative url to the images folder in our your codebase, or they can be external by using a full url.

Recommended sizes of images should be commented in the codebase, if any aren’t please ask the @ReactMeteor team so they can advise and also add them for others in the future.


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Hi @AndyatFocallocal , I have added a prospective timeframe for the tasks related to me. I will look into them in details to see if the prospective times would work.

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Great. I’ll send you details of the UX task too. The initial task is to plan how long it will take, and there want our answer by tomorrow if possible. I think the UX would be far easier if we had a platform with everything running on to review. Perhaps you can do that on a localhost version?

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Currently, the local version and live version are the same. I will use either.

Ok. You’ll have to install some plugins but i’ve added links to those already.

If I use the live version, would I still need to install those plugins? I’m trying to reduce the time it would cost me.

It depends, if you can find screenshots online which are sufficient for the wireframe then you wont need to install them. If not you will need to so you can play with them for the wireframe.