@UXers @SysAdmin @ReactMeteor @RubyonRails @WebDev
Development on this site is moving forwards quickly, and i wanted to share with you a new tool. You should see two new options ‘calendar’ and ‘agenda’ above the threads. In mobile these are in a drop down in the same location.
when creating a new post you have the option to turn it into an event.
Use Cases
- This should make it much easier to arrange video meetings and collaborative work sessions
- Others can see when you are working, and reach out to ask if they can join in
- Its strongly recommended that you set yourself a reminder to set when you intend to work on making the world happier with us, and add it to the calendar. Otherwise volunteering work you is very easy to put off, scheduling it weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly makes it far easier to keep the commitment you want to give to our shared mission.
- You can use the button on the calendar page to get a link and sync it with your personal calendar.
- The calendar converts everything into your local time zone automatically.
- It doesn’t yet work on tags and tag-pages, only categories. We will fix that asap.
- It has to be set category by category, rather than sitewide. This is a bug the authors are fixing, but if you don’t see a team calendar in your workspace, it’s probably not been activated. Just tag an admin and they’ll turn it on
You also have your own personal calendar which you can access by clicking on ‘calendar’ in the home page of the global section